School map

School environmentOur school is located in the middle of education and commercial area. In this area, there are a number of famous universities like Waseda university, Gakshuin university, Mejiro women’s college and Japan women’s university, etc. Also, there are a lot of schools of beauty, business, IT and animation. In the commercial area, there are fancy shops and restaurants with reasonable prices.

In terms of transportation, the nearest station is Takadanobaba which has 3 subway lines including Seibu Sinjuku line and JR. From the Takadanobaba station, it is 5 minutes’ walk to school. There is Kanda river famous for its beautiful scenery. Every March, a lot of tourists visit here to see cherry blossoms in full bloom beside the river.

Access Map


■Directions from Takadanobaba Station↓   ■Directions from Shimo-Ochiai Station↓